[icons style=”undefined” size=”fa-1x” color=”01749F” icon=”fa-microphone”] Episode 6 – “The One That Made Us Rich” 00:47:12 [icons style=”undefined” size=”fa-1x” color=”01749F” icon=”fa-clock-o”]
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We went all over the place in this episode, and we would like to thank our special guest Matt Lauer for getting us there and back again.

Take a listen as we discuss the corruption in McDonald Land, talk about the upcoming Dude’s Weekend, and almost successfully ignore my entire run sheet.

00:21 – Intro, Welcome back Adam and Ben!
06:38 – Introducing our special guest, Matt Lauer!
17:19 – Contractual Pitbull Mentioning
22:00 – Segment 2: Todd Akin? Nope: the Death of Count von Count 
25:00 – What the Fuck was Grimace, Mayor McCheese is [obviously] just a figurehead, McDonald Land was Owned by Bain Capital.
30:00 – Segment 3: Matt Lauer’s Writing Career
39:12 – Todd Akin Finally? Nope: “We Can’t Wait”/NAMII, and Hoverboard Envy
44:06 – Picture of the HoverBike
44:45 – Final Segment?
45:28 – Matt has a Drink, Toasts!

Have a question? E-mail us at questions@drunkcastlive.com,
or call us at 412.440.SHOT (7468)
Download the episode here! [icons style=”undefined” size=”fa-1x” color=”01749F” icon=”fa-download”]

Champion Sound feat. BamboomBox