Movies and TV

Episode 154 – “Vault 154”

We're officially back from vacation and ready to party! Travis, Dylan, and Adam discuss Fallout 4, why Age of Ultron Sucks(?!), how awesome Ash v. the Evil Dead turned out, and take a call from a [...]

Episode 150 – “Matt Damon” w/ Josh Woodard

Josh Woodyard back to talk about Star Wars, Star Wars, and Back to the Future! Happy 30th anniversary, Matt Damon! Have a question? E-mail us at, or call us at 802.359.SHOT (7468) Download the [...]

Episode 149 – “Roof Pizzas”

How to make lemonade out of roof pizzas, experiments with white trash sous vide, and Nickelback is the new Hitler. Have a question? E-mail us at, or call us at 802.359.SHOT (7468) [...]

Episode 146 – So Much Potential! w/ #ATownTheSeries

Elena Weinberg and Duncan Coe come celebrate the release of their second season of ATown the Series! It's all about party planning, Uma Thurman, and how to survive the wild west of the internet. Come check [...]

September 9th, 2015|Comedians, Featured, Movies and TV, Semi-Award Winning|

Episode 143 – HIIT w/ Shane Thompson

Algebra is cool again, we go to war over Cosby's BBQ, discuss the flavor "red," and we explain Fan4stic using the band Spacehog. It's a banner day in the DrunkCast house, so smoke up, Johnny! [...]