The Best Podcast Ever

/The Best Podcast Ever

    Episode 136 – “SCOTUS”

    Jimmy Preston, Josh Woodyard, gay rights, SCOTUS, and other jiggery-pokery. Come check it out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY YOU! Are you still reading this? Excellent! Please do us a BIG favor and CLICK on the following link! Allison Harris [...]

    July 1st, 2015|Comedians, Current Events, The Best Podcast Ever|

      Episode 135 – “Drake Facts”

      Nathan's Hork Dogs, FUD, voting in the US, which military branch is best, Dave Grohl is awesome, and magnets. Sponsored by Deep Eddy Lemon. Have a question? E-mail us at, or call us [...]

        Episode 133 – “Blartpocalypse”

        And I saw a used segway, and the name of him who sat upon it was Blart Patrick Sirois and Eric "Money" Nagurney come back on the show to discuss the early warning signs of [...]

          Episode 132 – “Down To Foley”

          We [continue to] lament the end of Dexter, discuss how piracy really affects Hollywood, and cover a little more wrasslin' [than you would expect]. Come check in on us! Have a question? E-mail us at [...]

            Episode 131 – “F.H.M.”

            Transformers kept Dylan alive, but at what cost? Also, Adam reveals himself as an ombudsman for ombudspersons, Travis becomes a huge Jem fan, Chris pines for simpler times, and much more! Come have a drink [...]